Digital Museum Memories

by Ken Ham on January 8, 2008

What’s the first thing you see upon entering the Creation Museum? It’s not an exhibit or video, but our “Foto FX Digital Memories” display booth. Right there in the museum’s portico, guests are encouraged to stand in front of a green screen to be photographed and, through the “miracle” of the digital age, be inserted inside a special background for the final image. The print makes for a wonderful piece of museum memorabilia. (See sample photo below.)


The booth is managed by the husband-and-wife team of Marty and Deb Minnard. (By the way, the photo of the young boys happens to be their grandchildren.) The Minnards tell us that there are seven other such Foto FX booths in various tourist spots in neighboring states, and it just so happens that theirs has been the busiest of the eight in the past few months—even though visitors to the museum from around the country are not as frequent as they are in the summer months (although we still had over 7,200 guests in the last three museum days of 2007, Thursday–Saturday).

Find out more about their photography service at

The photo here is something of a “turnabout.” You see, we actually had someone photograph the Minnards in front of one of their Ark-themed backdrops.


CAPTION: Marty and Deb Minnard stand in front of one of their striking backgrounds. Museum guests can choose from a variety of backgrounds for their final photo.

By the way, we are now getting close to 300,000 visitors to the Creation Museum since Memorial Day opening week. Praise the Lord!

Thanks for stopping by and thanks for praying.


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