AiG Security—More Than Just Security

by Ken Ham on December 28, 2007

When the Creation Museum opened, some from the secular media asked why we needed the very visible security presence we have at AiG and the Creation Museum (including canine units). However, since that time, the increasing numbers of shootings (and other violent acts) in churches, Christian organizations, schools, shopping centers etc., has shown very clearly that the board and leadership of AiG were very wise in ensuring the best possible security existed for the protection of people and property (building and exhibits, etc). In fact, more and more organizations are looking to AiG to advise them in regards to security.

For this blog, I wanted to highlight another aspect of what our security staff do. Consider the following.

On December 12 a local Kentucky resident and her niece (from Maryland) were visiting the museum when about three quarters of the way through the aunt began feeling ill. AiG security officers responded, did a medical assessment and felt that, based on their findings, she was probably having a heart attack.

The ambulance was called and they stayed with her until she could be transported to the hospital. This lady was in fact having a heart attack and was treated at the hospital and is home resting now.

Her niece sent a follow up letter stating that “Your security staff were such a blessing. . . . [They] were so kind and gentle and helped make a potentially scarey [sic] situation better.” She went on to say “Thanks again to the great security staff.”

Not many people realize that since we opened to the public in June, our security officers, who are trained emergency first-responders, have handled 179 medical assists through the end of November (an average of 30 per month); approximately a third of which are serious enough to require transportation to the hospital. The rest are treated in our fully equipped first-aid/medical office, where we have trauma bags, automatic external defibrillators (AEDs), and other items needed for emergency medical treatment.

Entering Those “Big Doors”

As I have featured the Creation Museum in this blog re security, I thought it would be good to include this testimony we received:

On September 14th we had the privilege of visiting the Creation Museum for the very first time. We brought with us our three children and my parents. Although we tried to prepare my parents for what they may see, they were totally amazed and frankly, so were we. It was such a blessing to see the magnificent museum and all it had to offer; furthermore, there was actually an added bonus, getting to meet you in person.

Briefly I want to tell you that it was with great pride that we entered those big doors that morning. Just over 15 years ago, my husband was a new believer in Jesus Christ but struggled so with evolution and the millions of years propaganda. He was expressing this to a friend of ours who then lovingly shared with him and [sic] AiG video featuring none other than you, Mr. Ham. At that moment, the Holy Spirit quickened his heart, and he no longer struggled with those worldly beliefs he had held from his youth. We began to fill our shelves with your books and tell everyone we knew about your wonderful ministry. God chose to move us to Pittsburgh where we became involved in a church that allows him to teach the youth from your literature. We have also purchased several different AiG booklets to pass out each time he gives is talk. Furthermore, four years ago we began to feel the tug from the Holy Spirit that it was time to take our children out of the public school system so that they could be home schooled. God used your Raising Godly Children in an Ungodly World as a toll of conviction to once again further His kingdom here on earth.

Now, we are excited to tell you that in November, Lord willing, we will be traveling back to the museum with family friends who are not believers, although they are very open to Creation History. We have known them for 8 years and have never ceased to pray that they would come to know the “Last Adam” as their Lord and Savior.

We will continue to tell anyone who will listen the wonderful things we saw there in September. As a matter of fact, my kids are enrolled in a monthly home school zoo class in Pittsburgh and they recently wore their Creation Museum t-shirts to class. My daughter came to me and said, “Mommy, someone has a Charles Darwin shirt on.” To which I replied, “It’s OK. You have your Creation shirt on.”

Thank you, Mr. Ham, for your dedication to teaching the full cannon [sic] of Scripture from the very first verse! WE pray for you often and support you with financial gifts whenever possible. May God continue to bless you, your family, your staff, and your ministry!

Thanks for stopping by and thanks for praying,

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