Grand Canyon Adventure Opportunity

by Ken Ham on December 16, 2007

Breaking News! As you may know AiG’s highly popular Grand Canyon trips have been sold out for the last 4 months. Well, yesterday we received two cancellations for the April 25 – May 3 trip with Dr. Andrew Snelling, Carl Kerby and Tom Vail. As a result we now have 5 open spots. Act quickly if you’d like to take advantage of this special trip down the canyon with AiG. To register, call Candace at 859-727-5423 or visit our web site for more information.

Each year these raft trips sell out very quickly—but due to life’s circumstances, we usually get a couple of cancellations. Dr. Andrew Snelling is one of the world’s leading creation geologists—so this is an opportunity of a lifetime.

I took a raft trip last year (the abbreviated 3-day version), and it was a thrill to raft down the Colorado River inside this magnificent canyon. And it was a great knowledge-builder for me in better understanding the Canyon’s formation in light of the biblical Flood.

You Put “Fire in my Bones”

Dr. David Crandall, AiG’s Director of AiG WorldWide was thrilled to receive this response from the President of a Bible College in West Africa after he was sent some AiG resources:

Dear brother Dave, top of the day's greetings. You took me unaware with the surprise of the two books and one cd received from you today. The books were the "New Answer" and "The Lie". Thanks so much. You have begun putting fire in my bones and by the time that the other books and CDs would arrived, I'm sure, I would have been on fire already. As soon as I received the packet this afternoon and opened it and started reading, I just place the "Lie" down when I was coming to the internet. Thanks, this two books have come to wet my appetite while while waiting for the rest to come.

As we come up to the end of the year—a time in the USA when many consider their end of year tax deductible giving, please remember the phenomenal outreach of AiG through its worldwide ministry. You can earmark your gift to “AiG WorldWide” so that your donation will be used exclusively for international work.

Thanks for stopping by and thanks for praying.


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