Creation Museum Accused of “Child Abuse”

by Ken Ham on December 14, 2007

Although we receive overwhelmingly positive feedback about the Creation Museum, we do receive (and would expect to) some interesting, very negative comments. This is one of them:

“I really wanted to stop by and tell you guys what a great job your doing. Never have I seen so much effort go into propagating such a ridiculous claim. I am a father of four lovely children that will NEVER see this museum. The reason they won't see it is because I love them too much to subject them to Draconian law and Bronze Age mythology. Furthermore I believe that anyone that forces these ideas upon their offspring should be brought up on child abuse charges. I was raised in a fundamental Baptist church all my life, and I thank good genetics that I was born with an IQ high enough to allow me to see through the brain washing and ‘never question’ tactics. So good luck guys, I hope one day the world won’t need superstition.”

Branson Conference Major Discount

The conference is seven months away, yet we are already seeing great interest in our July 15–18 family conference in Branson, Missouri—specially arranged for ages seven to adult.

“Defending Your Faith in a Secular America” will feature Carl Kerby of our staff (and also me), along with some dynamic teaching from Dr. Voddie Baucham and Doug Phillips (who visited the Creation Museum recently). Carl, Voddie, and Doug are three of the most dynamic and respected apologetics speakers in America. I have never heard Voddie speak in a live setting, so I’m particularly looking forward to hearing him speak and getting to know him better.

One of the reasons we are seeing pre-registration going strong is that January 1, 2008, is the deadline when our “super early-bird” registration concludes. Right now we’re offering rates of $79 per person for this four-day conference ($129 per couple, $159 per family). We don’t need to tell you that Branson is one of the most family-friendly and wholesome places that you can take your family to in all of America.

Mally and I look forward to joining you there, and also to enjoy some free time that we have scheduled during the conference to sample some of the fine musical shows and other attractions in the Ozarks region. Also at the family conference, you’ll be blessed by the music from our own singer and songwriter Buddy Davis! And Buddy will lead workshops for children (starting at age 7).

I urge you to find out more about this family conference—and then take advantage of the special early-bird registration discounts we are offering this month only.

Thanks for stopping by and thanks for praying.


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