Is There Really a God?

by Ken Ham on December 2, 2007

On Sunday, I spoke at a church on the Gold Coast south of Brisbane. As I was preparing for the Sunday morning sermon, I was going to give a presentation on the relevance of Genesis—what I call a typical ‘relevance talk.’ However, I felt very uneasy about this. After thinking and praying about it, I was burdened to give a different sort of talk and answer some of the most-asked questions that skeptics use today to attack the Bible. I particularly was burdened to begin by answering “How do we know there is a God?” “Who made God?” etc.

After the service, one lady came up and told us about a friend she brought to church. She said this person has not been to church for years and apparently no longer believed there was a God. Apparently this skeptic has made statements that she would have to see God to believe in him. The lady who brought her to church did not know I was speaking. This lady was SO excited. She told me that the message I gave answered this skeptical lady’s question. The lady who brought her could hardly believe that the very Sunday she brought her skeptical friend to church was the very Sunday I happened to be speaking and had formulated a talk that specifically dealt with this skeptic’s question.

God is sovereign!!

I had a number of boxes of books air-freighted over from the U.S. for the couple of speaking engagements during our “vacation” and family time. Nearly everything I brought to this church went—hardly anything was left!


Last week, I received letters from three kids (6, 12, 14) who recently visited the Creation Museum and AiG offices. This is for your encouragement:

1) Thank you for inviting us to your museum. I loved it and had great fun! I loved the whole museum. My favorite parts were the dinosaur exhibit and Noah’s Ark. I liked looking at the men build the Ark and listening to the fictitious men talk. I played with the puzzle, with the big pieces in the Noah’s Ark room, and watched the reenactment of the flood. It was very interesting. I enjoyed meeting you and taking a tour of the office. It was fun to look behind the scenes. I really liked the sculpture of the chimpanzee in the room where the people are creating the animals. Thank you for showing us your great museum! I want to thank you for your ministry and for teaching children like me about God’s beautiful creation. I hope you will spread your ministry throughout the world! Sincerely HP (Age 6)

2) Thank you for inviting my family to see the museum. There are so many things that I loved that I could list; I will only list a few. The new idea for the shape of the ark was intriguing. The seven C’s (Creation, Corruption, Catastrophe, Confusion, Christ, Cross and Consummation) were very helpful throughout the whole museum. But my favorite of all was the planetarium. I loved how it showed the monstrous size of the universe, and the wonderful handiwork of God. I will always hold in fond memory that day. Sincerely JP (Age 12)

3) Thank you so much for having my family come to the museum. It was just amazing! I had the opportunity a few years ago to come with my father to see the building in process. It is terrific to see what has been accomplished in the last two and a half years. I loved walking through Noah’s Ark. That was my absolute favorite part of the museum. The realistic detail inside the ark showing all the layers was fascinating. I also enjoyed the planetarium. My daddy had described to us the planetariums he used to go to, and he has always told my brother and me how he hoped to bring us to a creationist planetarium someday. How powerful to see a high quality museum from a creationist’s worldview. I look forward to coming back. Thank you again for inviting us to your museum. Sincerely JP (age 14) Thanks for stopping by and thanks for praying Ken

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