AiG Releases Seven C's VBS Program

by Ken Ham on November 24, 2007

It is unique! It is exciting! It is full of apologetics for kids ages 2-12! It has lots of “meat” not “fluff.” It is the first-ever VBS program centered on the seven C’s (based on the Creation Museum walk through biblical history) called “Amazon Expedition,” produced by Answers in Genesis.

Over the past few days, I’ve had the opportunity to look in detail at what the AiG curricula and product development staff have accomplished! I must admit I was amazed! This is the first ever VBS program AiG has produced, and without any exaggeration, it is the quality of what some of the big publishers produce who have been doing VBS programs for many years. In fact, I believe the quality is better than most other VBS programs, not just because of the presentation of the program, but because of the content!

Many over the years have expressed dismay that most VBS programs (like most Sunday School curricula) have not been equipping children to defend the Christian faith, and have not really been suitable for reaching kids in this scientific age where they have been indoctrinated in evolutionary secular humanism!

The VBS program produced by AiG was produced in conjunction with very talented AiG supporters who have been producing VBS programs for their own church for years. By working with AiG, we were able to take this Seven C’s VBS to an extremely high level. The program was trialed with hundreds of kids in a church in Columbus, Ohio.

I really can’t recommend this program highly enough! This is the type of material needed for today’s kids. The AiG VBS Amazon Expedition has all the “bells” and “whistles” you will find the big publishers provide. I really am amazed and highly congratulate the team who put this together.

Even though most order their VBS programs in the New Year, AiG has been receiving a steady stream of orders every day for the “Super Starter Kit” already! Since there’s been such phenomenal interest, AiG has already begun planning the next VBS. Because of the nature of these programs, with the emphasis on creation apologetics and the gospel, we will keep each one in production until we have a whole series of VBS apologetics programs geared for this age!

This VBS program will teach kids the big picture of history from the Bible, enable them to understand the gospel clearly (it is very evangelistic), and teach them how to answer the skeptical questions of the day so that they will know they can trust the Bible in its history and thus trust its message of the gospel.

I recently took some starter kits with me to show people at the meetings I was speaking at—a LOT of excitement was generated, and people were so thankful such a program is now available. To find out more, click on the images below--the first one is the Super Starter Kit and the other is the Starter Kit. vbs.jpgimage-by-id.jpeg

Well, yesterday was a busy day at the Creation Museum—nearly 2400! For “Black Friday,” that is tremendous! I drove past the front gate before writing this blog, and saw people pouring in today—it will be another big Saturday (Saturday’s usually attract 3,000-4,000 visitors).

Thanks for stopping by and thanks for praying


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