Hebrew/English New Testaments Given to AiG

by Ken Ham on November 15, 2007

AiG WorldWide has received copies of the Hebrew/English New Testament for free distribution at the Creation Museum. These unlimited free copies are provided by Hope of Israel Baptist Mission to Answers in Genesis and will be distributed to all of our Jewish visitors, distributed on international trips and provided to those who work with Jewish evangelism. Dr. David Crandall, Director of AiG WorldWide has stated: “these beautiful copies of God’s Word add just one more tool for our AiG global evangelism” See the photograph of Dr. Crandall and me holding a copy of this publication.

Ken Ham and Dr. David Crandall

Weeping with Joy Scales Being Removed

You will love this testimony:

I am literally sitting here weeping with joy to have found your website.The videos on demand are transforming my way of thinking. I cannot believe how entrenched I have been in non-Christian worldviews, even as a Christian, and how my life up until now reflects all this wrong, unbiblical thinking. The videos here have sent me back to God's Word with a thirst beyond belief, trying to understand the truths I have missed all my life. This is the first time I am hearing some of these things, after a life in the church. I homeschool my young children (7 and 4), and the Lord has made it clear to me that He has a special plan for them. I have been so frustrated because I have absolutely no idea or example about how to overcome my wrong worldviews and teach them how to actually live out God's precepts that are found in His Word. Your resources have driven me to a love for the Word, and I feel like the scales are being removed from my eyes. Lord bless you and your ministry.

It was thrilling yesterday to see a public school group (a Bible club group) come to the Creation Museum. Even though it was a Bible club group at a public school, it wouldn’t surprise us if secularists would try to even stop such a group from coming if they knew it was happening! Actually, there have been a number of public school groups come to the Creation Museum.

Thanks for stopping by and thanks for praying,

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