Vision Forum, Mount St. Helens—And the Need for Prayer

by Ken Ham on November 12, 2007

Today I want to share with you a couple of items regarding two ministries we associate with. One is a tragic event that needs our prayers:


We received very sad news regarding the death of a talented young man who worked at the ministry of Vision Forum in Texas. (Its president, Doug Phillips, is visiting the Creation Museum today with his wife and three of his children; Doug will also be speaking at our national apologetics conference next summer in Branson, Missouri.

To find out more of the details and how you can pray for the young man’s family and Vision Forum, read what Doug has written on Vision Forum’s web site.

Please pray for the Vision Forum ministry during this grieving time. For our perspective of why a loving God allows such tragedies to happen, see our recent article on the Finland school shooting.


Last week, Mark Looy of our staff and his wife, Renee, visited a creation museum near Mount St. Helens in Washington State. They met with Lloyd Anderson who, with his wife Doris, operates the Seven Wonders Museum, where they show guests that the 1980 eruption of that volcano created geologic features (e.g., canyons, multiple strata, etc.) that most evolutionists (prior to 1980) would have insisted took millions of years to form. Museum guests also discover how the eruption relates to the Genesis Flood.

seattleportland07-012.jpg Lloyd took the Looys down the highway to get a closer look at Mount St. Helens. The photo shows the volcano off in the distance, and in the foreground you can see the remnants of what may have been the biggest landslide in recorded history -- and how far it had traveled down from the mountain. Even further to the right of this photo, a huge mudslide continued to flow in 1980, and swept away bridges dozens of miles west of the mountain.


To find out more about the free museum (it’s just a few miles east of Interstate 5 -- that’s the freeway between Seattle and Portland), go to

Thanks for stopping by and thanks for praying—and please remember Vision Forum and the family of the young man who was killed.


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