First AiG Staff Member Retires

by Ken Ham on November 10, 2007

Well, there were mixed emotions yesterday as we had a very special party as the very first staff member for AiG retired. Mary and her husband Steve both have worked for Answers in Genesis. Mary was first employed when we started AiG back when we lived in San Diego over 13 years ago. Mary and her husband Phil moved to Kentucky when we set up office there. Sadly, after a few years, Phil passed away and Mary moved back to be with her children in Oregon. Then Mary married Steve, and they both moved out to Kentucky to begin work with AiG. They decided it was the right time in their life to retire from AiG to work on their future as they get things set up to eventually move back to be with their children and grandchildren. We are certainly going to miss them, but they promise they will visit whenever they are able. We presented Mary with a special plaque (see photograph). I have enclosed other photographs from our party Friday afternoon. We praise the Lord for the dedication like Mary and Steve and all they've done for AiG and the Creation Museum.



The planning commission in Northern Kentucky voted to approve the additional parking plan for the Creation Museum. Additional parking is desperately needed, particularly before next Summer when we expect the numbers will again swell markedly (although numbers have been strong at the Creation Museum each week). The Cincinnati Post reported on the planning commission vote:

The next hurdle Answers in Genesis must clear to expand its Creation Museum will come in Boone Fiscal Court.


On Wednesday, the Boone County Planning Commission approved a plan to add parking and other amenities at the popular creationism site in Petersburg, commission attorney Dale Wilson said. The issue now moves to fiscal court for action.

You can read the entire report at the Post website.

Today I spoke twice at the Creation Museum and met lots of people as they lined up for books and DVDs, etc., to be signed.

Thanks for stopping by and thanks for praying


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