Mom and Dad Banned

by Ken Ham on October 27, 2007

Read this interesting story from WorldNet daily:

“‘Mom and Dad’ as well as ‘husband and wife’ effectively have been banned from California public schools under a bill signed by Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger, who with his signature also ordered public schools to allow boys to use girls restrooms and locker rooms, and vice versa, if they choose. ‘We are shocked and appalled that the governor has blatantly attacked traditional family values in California,’ said Karen England, executive director of Capitol Resource Institute.”

The entire news report can be found at:


This is one of the responses from one of the many groups who visit the Creation Museum each week:

“I just wanted to let you know how much our group enjoyed visiting the museum. Several of our members had never been and were truly overwhelmed! There is just no way to take it all in on one visit. They’re already asking when we can go again—so I told them about the family memberships! Hopefully, several will purchase them and visit again and again.

“I was extremely impressed with how our visit was handled. I have planned a lot of field trips, and this was definitely one of the most well run. I appreciated the hostess . . . She checked us in quickly and was so helpful. That first impression set the tone for our entire day. You have the group check-in figured out, and it is carried out with excellence. Our group went to ‘Men in White’ and then on to the Planetarium—that could not have been better.”


Please pray for the AiG conference in Saipan (a U. S. island in the Pacific—a part of the northern Marianas) next week—this is the newspaper report that appeared in Saipan:

“Get d-@volutionized and build a biblical worldview on Nov. 2 and 3

“By Mark Rabago Assistant Editor

“One of North America’s most popular Christian speakers . . . Ken Ham, is set to arrive on Saipan next month to share his experiences in the ‘Get de-evolutionized and build a biblical worldview’ conference. The event is an Answer in Genesis family conference and touts that, ‘You'll discover how to defend the Christian faith and help fight culture wars.’ The seminar will be held on Nov. 2 and 3 at Eucon International College along Middle Road in Gualo Rai.”

You can read the entire report at:


We receive (almost daily) feedback from around the world. It is thrilling to know how this ministry affects lives:

From Ireland:

“Thanks a million for all that you guys do. I first came across you as a kid in Ireland when Ken Ham did a number of seminars there. It helped bolster my faith in the face of incredible peer and academic pressure. . . .”

The Word of Life conference in New York continues to go well. There is a bigger crowd than some previous years—and lots of excitement. As is usual, I have people telling me they are going back to try to persuade their pastors to teach this material, or allow classes to be taught on this subject. It is so sad, but I hear it all the time: people in the church are hungry for this information, but so many pastors won’t touch it.

Please pray for the Saipan trip coming up next week.

Thanks for stopping by and thanks for praying.


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