Creation Evangelism Is Spreading

by Ken Ham on October 2, 2007

Yesterday I spoke to around 500 pastors, Sunday school teachers, counselors, and other Christian leaders at the Genesis Pre-conference for the NANC annual conference. (See photograph.)


We shipped two pallets of resources for this one day event—and not much was left at the end. Many told me they were already using AiG resources in their churches, and many more told me they would now be using AiG materials in their youth groups, Sunday schools, and pulpits.

The sets of DVDs containing most of the videos produced for the Creation Museum were very popular. A number of pastors told me they would begin showing these programs as part of their services (many are only 2–3 minutes in length). Many want to use The Last Adam DVD as part of our outreach to win people for Christ.

The other speaker for the day was Mark Dutton from Indiana—Mark has been deeply involved in counseling ministries and is a pastor in a church in LaFayette.

Mark presented me with a special gift that I will proudly display in my office. Recently he and his daughter were on a missions trip in Moldova (near Romania). In the town of Chiseneau Mark noticed an item on the shelf of a store and asked his daughter, “Who does that remind you of?” She immediately said, “Answers in Genesis.” So Mark purchased the item and presented it to me at the conference—see photograph.


I spoke a total of five times yesterday—now back home for some meetings and to get ready for quite a number of speaking engagements over the next few weeks.

Please continue to pray for the Saipan outreach. Once the videos of me translated into Chinese are produced, we will make them available to the Chinese speaking world. You can get further information about the Saipan meetings on our website.

Thanks for stopping by and thanks for praying.


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