Pray for AiG in Saipan

by Ken Ham on September 30, 2007

I am specially asking you, as we start the month of October, to pray for the upcoming ministry on the Pacific island of Saipan. The whole purpose of this time is to video-record six of my major talks (what I consider the six basic talks of the biblical creation ministry), translated into the main Chinese language. Mally and I and our video team will be traveling to Saipan at the end of October for this special time.

Contact information for the meetings in Saipan can be found on our website or by contacting AiG’s Director of Worldwide Outreach, Dr. David Crandall.


I thought you would be interested in this report about archaeologists stating that they have found the quarry used by King Herod to build the second Temple. You can read this article at:

Over 3,000 people visited the Creation Museum on Saturday (a very busy day) bringing the total visitors to almost 212,000. We did receive a sad piece of news yesterday concerning one of the groups booked into the Creation Museum who had to cancel: “The group from [Indiana] planning to come to the museum today had to cancel due to a sad situation with one their youth sponsors-- three of her four children were shot in Indiana last night. The oldest son at age 25 and eldest daughter at just 21 were killed and the 17 year old son is in surgery… Please lift the family and church family up in prayer!

Today I travel to Dallas, Texas for the NANC conference. Tomorrow I speak four times and conduct one question time. Please be in prayer for these presentations.

Thanks for stopping by and thanks for praying


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