New web features

by Ken Ham on September 2, 2007

[Guest blog by Mark Looy, CCO, AiG]

Because Ken does not have a ready hook-up for his laptop right now as he travels through Scotland, here are a few quick things from me for your encouragement as we await another report from Ken as he continues to speak throughout that “bonnie” land:

—Check out our just-launched children’s website (and forward this link to the youth pastor in your church and family members: Activities, videos, and easy-to-understand articles are featured. Pass the word.

—Look for tomorrow’s front-page web article for our comment on a news report about the famed “peppered moths” being resurrected recently by evolutionists as “proof” of evolution “in action.”

—A group from Calvary Baptist Church of Northern Kentucky is picnicking today on the museum grounds and touring the museum—900 people!!! For group info (15 or more), see—find out about the substantial museum group discounts we can offer. Yes, we prefer to keep groups to well under 900, but how can you say no?!

Expect Ken to be back here on the blog very soon, but in the meantime, here’s a quick report here from a Scottish pastor who attended Friday evening’s talks by Ken in Inverness:

“Mark: The Inverness meeting with Ken last night was superb—attendance was good—the presentation was excellent by Ken. Warmest greetings to you in Christ Jesus.” (Pastor S.S.)

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