AiG Ministering Through the Placenta

by Ken Ham on August 22, 2007

One of the blessings the Lord has brought to AiG is the ministry of Dr. David Menton. Dr. Menton was Professor of Anatomy at Washington University School of Medicine (one of the leading medical colleges in the USA) until his “retirement.” I put “retirement” in quotes as Dr. Menton and his wife moved to Kentucky to work full time with AiG and the Creation Museum. Dr. Menton is known for his captivating (I call them “wow” lectures) presentations using his anatomy background to teach the truth about God’s Word concerning creation—and to give glory and praise to our Creator and Savior.

Here is an interesting feedback from someone who read Dr. Menton’s article on the placenta in a recent Answers magazine:

Thank you very much for the article "The Placenta: A Selfless Servant" by Dr. David Menton. We had twins sharing the same placenta six years ago. Due to Placenta Previa, then, later, Placenta Abruptia at 35 weeks gestation, one twin was taken to glory and one left with Cerebral Palsy. This article helped answer many questions we have had in a way no Doctor was able to explain at the time. May God continually bless you and this ministry!

AiG to Scotland

UK and Europe’s creation organization, Answers in Genesis, headed up by Dr. Monty White has organized a speaking tour of (mainly) Scotland for the next two weeks. You can find out more about my itinerary at the Answers in Genesis website. Going back 20 years, I have spent many long hours and days away from home trekking across the UK (and other parts of Europe). Please pray for these meetings—as you know, the UK is almost dead spiritually—such a need in those countries for the creation/gospel message.

Thanks for stopping by and thanks for praying.


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