Bright Lights at the Creation Museum

by Ken Ham on August 16, 2007

The “Bright Lights” team of 21 college-age young ladies (and their technical crew—see photograph) visited the Creation Museum on Wednesday. They are on a 12-day trip leading mother/daughter conferences in Ohio and Michigan, and they decided to visit the museum on their day off.

Bright Lights

Bright Lights is a nationwide discipleship organization for girls. It was started by Sarah Mally in Cedar Rapids, Iowa, 11 years ago when she was a home school junior in high school. Today there are about 200 Bright Lights groups that have started.

This team just completed teaching a 2-day “Strong in the Lord” conference attended by 350 mothers and daughters, and a “Radiant Purity” conference attended by 250 daughters and parents. Next they head to the Detroit area for another conference.

Since one of the theme verses of Bright Lights is Philippians 2:15 which speaks of shining as lights in the world, Dr. Jason Lisle gave them a special presentation about stars.

It’s been another busy week at the Creation Museum. I am back in the office for the next week and a half before I leave for a speaking tour of Scotland. I enclosed three photographs taken on the recent AiG Alaskan Cruise—the one of myself and Mally is taken on the ship in front of one of the glaciers.

Alaskan Cruise Alaskan Cruise Alaskan Cruise

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