Another 4000 day at the Creation Museum

by Ken Ham on July 28, 2007

Attendance at the Creation Museum on Friday was just shy of 4000!! The biggest day since opening day! I spent some time today talking to the guests at one of the picnic pavilions. They were from all across America! And they were so thankful. One man said, “this is the only place I’m happy to stand in a long line.” People were praising the Lord for the numbers, even though it was crowded at times in the Main Hall of the Museum. About the same number of guests are expected for Saturday. I believe we are over 115,000 visitors now since opening almost two months ago!

Another thrilling aspect is the person after person after person would tell me: “I heard you speak in Idaho”; “I heard you speak in Pennsylvania”; “I heard you speak in Virginia”; “I heard you speak in … .” I started to realize how much ground I’ve covered over the past years! Many others told me they’ve heard Carl Kerby, or Terry Mortenson, or Mike Riddle, or Tommy Mitchell, etc. AiG has certainly had a phenomenal impact across this nation. The Lord has mightily blessed.


The following email came with some special letters from the children of this family (see the scan of one letter I’ve included):

We had a family trip planned to the east coast from our home in Colorado. While we were at the Vision Forum Jamestown Quadricentennial Celebration, a family we hadn’t met before highly recommended your museum, and said it’s well worth the trip.
We checked our itinerary and consulted the maps and decided we could make time for a visit. We stayed Sunday night July 1 in a hotel in Florence and planned to spend the next day at your museum. We checked out of the hotel Monday morning and our van broke down on I-275 a few miles short of our destination. A Good Samaritan stopped to help us and very graciously made 2 trips to get our large family to the museum. He also told the security staff of our predicament and asked if they could help us.
Your staff was so kind and gracious to us. They allowed us to stash 2 car seats, an ice chest and other miscellaneous items behind the member’s desk for the day and allowed us to use the telephone to make several calls about renting a van and staying in a hotel until our van was fixed. They even set up a spot where I could use a phone to do a phone interview since I had been laid off from my job the week before. By the way, the Lord opened that door and I got the job!
The museum’s Volunteer Coordinator put me in touch with his friend who is the manager of a car place in Indiana. They were able to get us on the road 10 days sooner and for 1/10 of the price than another dealer in Florence. Through all that hectic day, we found that your museum really is worth the trip! Our whole family really enjoyed it. We especially like the fact that even though it’s called “The Creation Museum” the whole focus is on Christ and redemption! We’ve been highly recommending your museum to lots of folks out here in Colorado. Thank you so much for your kindness to us in our time of need, for the bus ride to our hotel in Florence on the Creation Museum Shuttle, and for the gift of the 3 DVD’s. Most of all, thank you for demonstrating the love of Christ and allowing God to use you to bless and provide for us!
May the Lord bless and reward you for your kindness toward us.
By the time you read this, Mally and I will be on our way to Seattle. I speak on Sunday morning, and then we join the Alaskan Cruise (with 500 AiG supporters) Sunday afternoon. We return a week later (after speaking a few times on the ship as well as some sightseeing and special times with our supporters). I then return home and travel again for a few days! AiG has many meetings scheduled for our speakers over the next few months—please pray for them all.

Thanks for stopping by and thanks for praying



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