Geologist Andrew Snelling and wife Kym arrive at AiG

by Ken Ham on June 26, 2007

Dr. Andrew Snelling, one of the leading creation geologists in the world, together with his wife Kym arrived at AiG from Australia for the next couple of months. Andrew is now full time with AiG and will head up the new Research Division.

Andrew began settling in to his new position on Monday. He will continue to live in Australia, but travel to the USA a few times a year for extended periods. He will be leading one of AiG’s Grand Canyon raft trips next year.

I’ve enclosed a photograph of Kym and Andrew (left), then Dr. Jason Lisle, and Dave Jolly (who will be a research assistant for Dr. Snelling).


The Creation Museum’s attendance continues to grow. On Monday, there were 1,465 visitors—the biggest Monday since opening day! Continue to pray for the exciting evangelistic outreach the museum is doing day after day to thousands of people (many who have not been connected to the AiG ministry before).

Thanks for stopping by and thanks for praying.


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