Needed: one Creation Museum in Japan

by Ken Ham on June 22, 2007

Japan is such a needy country for the gospel: less than 0.1 percent in Japan are Christians. A Japanese pastor yesterday sent me this email. I have no idea how this could come about—but can I ask you to pray with this pastor as he petitions the Lord for a Creation Museum in Japan:

“We are strongly urged to build the same Creation Museum as yours in Japan. We will begin to pray for construction of a creation museum from now on, too. I heard that you started your ministry by a small group at first. It encouraged us and helped us have the vision. I am amazed that your works are very large scale. We believe the same God, so we believe God will accomplish His same big vision for us in Japan. We start to pray with our mouths wide open. Please pray for Japanese churchs.”

Greetings from Greece

“Greetings from Athens Greece! I am just writing this note to congratulate you for the opening of the Creation Museum on May 26, 2007. I wish I could be there, and I would like to thank you so much for sending me the invitation. Even miles away our hearts and prayers were with you all on this special day. Creation Museum is a strong Light House in a world who desperately seeks direction in life. We rejoice with you all and pray that the Lord may richly bless this wonderful ministry and touch the lives of millions of people as you “prepare them to believe”. We are proud of your achievement and pray that your next target may be the dark continent of Europe....Give our love to all your coworkers”

Well, Coca Cola products are selling well at the Creation Museum. I have included a photograph of some AiG staff and Coca Cola representatives who visited recently.


Thanks for stopping by and thanks for praying.


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