AiG 7 C's VBS program successfully tested

by Ken Ham on June 17, 2007

10.jpg22.jpgOn Friday the first “test” of our new VBS program was completed. Several of our staff, including a video team, were there and even phoned me while the kids were performing one of the specially written new songs. I must admit that it was almost impossible to hear our staffer over the singing kids! This particular “test” is one of six that we’re doing this summer and was conducted under the leadership of Randy and Barb Witt—two of the primary developers of the VBS—at Northwest Bible Church in central Ohio. This church does VBS programs every summer and found ours, Amazon Expedition, to be the most successful ever!

sd530784.jpg 24.jpgThey had about 1,200 children plus adult and teen workers. Our staff reports that the kids absolutely LOVE the songs, dramas and crafts which are all built around the AiG “7 C’s of History” teaching timeline—the same core teaching that we use in the Creation Museum. I’ve included some pictures from the VBS taken at Northwest Bible Church. What a blessing it was for our staff as they witnessed many children seeking out group leaders in order to get a clearer understanding of the life-saving Gospel. We pray the foundational seeds sown in these young hearts will bear tremendous fruit for God's eternal kingdom.

12.jpg 30.jpgBe watching our newsletters and website for more info about the VBS, and please let the person at your church who makes such decisions know about AiG’s “Amazon Expedition” VBS for next summer. Most churches will begin evaluating and ordering their VBS materials this coming fall, so it’s not too early to let the folks at your church know about it. I’m so proud of our staff and the Witts, and so many others who have worked so hard to create this top-notch VBS program … because it really TEACHES kids how we know the Bible is true. Praise God!

ss-web-img_6603.jpg 13.jpg(This church will be including a special program at both services this Sunday morning [Father’s Day]. Hundreds of the kids will be wearing their special lime green “Amazon Expedition” t-shirts and performing a few VBS songs with a photo slide show from the week in the background. I understand that their favorite song was “I’ve got DNA!” so as you can see, this VBS teaches! If you live in the Columbus area, here’s the address: Northwest Bible Church, 6639 Scioto Darby Rd, Hilliard, Ohio. The church’s website address is, and the church’s own slide show from the week is at


I received many great testimonies from people at the last day of the Denver Home Educators Conference. One lady told me her husband became a Christian after a seminar we conducted in Denver a number of years ago—now he is teaching creation!

Another lady told me that her parents heard me speak in the late 80's and so they brought up their children on creation resources, and now this lady is making sure her children are being brought up on AiG materials—the legacy being handed down (also makes me realize I'm getting old!)

I speak twice Sunday morning to around 3,000 people.

Thanks for stopping by and thanks for praying.


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