Spending 50th anniversary at the Creation Museum

by Ken Ham on June 16, 2007

For their 50th wedding anniversary, a couple wanted to treat themselves to a day at the Creation Museum. They were part of a group tour with radio station WPOS-FM. I have included a photograph of this special couple with Mark Looy. Over 1,600 people were at the Creation Museum on Friday.

Mark Looy with Couple Celebrating Their 50th Wedding Anniversary

Mark Looy presents a copy of The Lie to a couple celebrating their 50th wedding anniversary.

AiG Staff Hear Speech on Stem Cell Research

On Thursday our staff had a slightly different “presentation.” As part of our daily prayer and meeting time, Taylor Mason (who is a temporary summer employee and the 16-year-old son of one of our vice presidents) shared a speech that he will be presenting this weekend at the national finals of an oratory contest sponsored by National Right to Life, in Kansas City. All of the high-school-aged young people who are competing in the contest are speaking on abortion and other right-to-life issues.

Taylor used various source materials, but especially Answers magazine and the AiG website, to prepare a very informative speech about embryonic stem cell research. He made a good case to nearly 200 AiG staffers in attendance—showing from real-life examples and solid research that the use of stem cells from human embryos is a failure, but the use of stem cells from living adults is proving very successful. It’s so encouraging to learn of young people all over this country who are using the magazines, videos, books, web articles, and other materials of Answer in Genesis to impact their culture. I have included a photograph of Taylor as he made his presentation before the AiG staff.

Taylor Mason Giving a Speech

Taylor Mason presents a speech to AiG staff on embryonic steem cell research.

Almost Cried After Reading AiG Book

I almost cried last night after completing [the] book entitled, "How Could a Loving God . . .?" The book has truly changed my perspective for life on loss and suffering. The message is an anointed one that has provided answers to some of the perplexing questions about suffering and death that, quite frankly, many Christians like myself haven't understood. I sincerely thank [AiG] and pray God's bountiful blessings on [this] powerful ministry.

If you haven’t obtained a copy of this book, you may purchase it from the AiG online bookstore.

I’m still in Denver at the Home Educators Conference—three more talks today. On Sunday morning I am speaking at Crossroads Church of Denver.

Thanks for stopping by and thanks for praying,

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