More media

by Ken Ham on April 25, 2007

On Tuesday, I was interviewed on two Christian radio stations specifically about the Creation Museum. I also gave a reporter and photographer from the Christian Science Monitor a tour of the museum and a detailed explanation of the gospel! On Wednesday there are two TV crews (one from Finland and one local) visiting the Creation Museum.

Thanks from Binghamton

It was encouraging to receive this feedback from our recent conference in Binghamton New York:

Thanks for a terrific job at the conference in Binghamton.

You, Buddy and Dr. Menton did as expected a marvelous job. Praise the Lord. We appreciate you coming to minister to us. We were greatly encouraged. The messages were WOW! The weather was an additional blessing. We don't normally have that kind of nice warm summer like weather in April here in the northeast. We praise the Lord for the wonderful ministry of Answers in Genesis. I am excited for you concerning the upcoming opening of the Museum.

Gideon’s Snare

Another devotional from my armchair theologian is available at:

I’ve enclosed two photographs of lobby exhibits in the Main Hall of the Creation Museum. The talented Museum design team are doing such a professional job.

Displays in Mail Hall of Creation Museum Displays in Mail Hall of Creation Museum

Thanks for stopping by and thanks for praying,

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