New evolutionary indoctrination publication launched

by Ken Ham on March 9, 2007

It is interesting to note the increased fervor of the evolutionists these days as the creation movement pours out a phenomenal amount of information. And of course, the world’s one-of-kind and largest Creation Museum will soon be open.

A news source reported:

Scientific publishing group Springer has entered into the controversial debate over the teaching of creationism versus Darwin’s theory of evolution. A new scientific journal is aimed at those studying, teaching and researching science, creationism, intelligent design and the theories of biologist Charles Darwin. The new title will challenge the views of creationists.

Here is some more information about this journal that will have the first issue available in March 2008:

Outreach and Education in Evolution, a traditional peer-reviewed journal with nontraditional features, will address these concerns. Each quarterly issue will feature peer-reviewed articles on evolution, letters from the trenches, interviews with prominent scientists and educators, lesson plans, critical essays, cartoons, puzzles, reviews on evolution in the media (books, movies, museum openings and exhibitions) and more. The full-color online edition will offer added value, for example chat rooms, teaching resources and blogging opportunities. In addition, Springer has committed up to $10,000 annually in grants and prizes for the best paper, the best lesson plan, etc. The journal, aimed at members of the educational, museum, and scientific community involved in the teaching of evolutionary theory, will be available at a very affordable price.

You can read the news item at:

Ken Ham to Speak in Florida

Mally and I flew down to Florida to spend a couple of days doing touristy things before I begin speaking Saturday night, Sunday morning and evening at Calvary Chapel of Melbourne, Florida. For further information on speaking times etc., go to our events section.

We hope to visit EPCOT (one of the Disney Parks that has a lot of evolutionary propaganda—I want to obtain information for an article I’m writing) and also the Holy Land experience.

I have enclosed two photographs relating to the Creation Museum. One is of an AiG staff member (Gary) putting the T. rex head back on its body after its big move. The other is of part of a mural of the pre-flood world.

Thanks for stopping by and thanks for praying,


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