Day of Prayer and Fasting at AiG

by Ken Ham on March 4, 2007

This coming Wednesday, March 7th, has been designated as a day of prayer (and fasting) at AiG. During the day, groups of staff will rotate through our special prayer room for the day and praise and pray earnestly to the Lord concerning many different matters.

We would urge as many of you as possible to join with us--if you have never registered as an AiG prayer partner, you can do that by going directly to our Prayer Website. You can also find out more about our Prayer and Fasting day there.

The following (not in order of priority) are just some of items we would ask you to be praying about with us (we will put up a more comprehensive list on Wednesday, compiled by our prayer coordinator for the day, Dr. Terry Mortenson).

  1. Museum Completion. There are many challenges ahead of us to ensure the Creation Museum opens on May 28. Please pray for construction workers, volunteers, suppliers, staff, special contractors, weather, etc. There is still much to do--and unknown challenges ahead!

  2. Effectiveness of Museum: We believe the Creation Museum is not just a significant event in the modern Creation Movement, and not just a significant event for Boone County, Kentucky, or the USA, but a significant event in Christendom in this era of history. As I have walked media, local businessmen, and Christian leaders through recently, all make comments like "we've never seen anything like this before"; "we are blown away"; "we didn't know one could build a place like this." People are going to be saved in this place; non-Christians will be engaged; Christians will be engaged and challenged; lukewarm Christians will be fired up. This place is making a VERY PUBLIC statement concerning the truth of God's Word and challenging the secular humanistic worldview that is permeating the culture/media/education system.

    As I stood before the exhibit showing the doors of the church with a figure of Martin Luther nailing his theses on the door, I was reminded that, really, the Creation Museum is calling for a "new Reformation" in the church/culture. For this reason, as Martin Luther experienced, we expect increasing opposition/attacks from without--and even from within the church. In fact, as we've said many times over the years, some of the most vigorous opposition/attacks has come from Christians/the Church.

    At the same time, we are encouraged by so much support from Christians/the Church. Please pray, specifically, that the God of creation will place a Hedge of protection on the AiG ministry and the Creation Musuem. However, we need to be vigilant: opposition can arise from most unlikely places in most unlikely ways. Remember the instance recently where Bill Maher set up a deliberate deception to get into our building. On the basis of what we've seen him do on Television, we believe his intention is to mock and oppose this great work of the Lord.

  3. MEDIA: The secular and Christian media are already swamping us. We believe the opening of this Museum is going to make international headlines (it already has in many ways). Please pray for wisdom as we deal with the media. Some come to report on what we are doing; some come to praise the Lord; some come to spread the word; and, some come to attack with deliberate agendas to oppose the Lord's work.

  4. FINANCES: We are at a critical time. To finish the Museum, we basically need the rest of the funds up front! We can't delay any contracts. We praise the Lord for the millions of dollars that have already come in--we praise the Lord for the faithfulness of our supporters. Funds keep coming in--but, to explain it--we basically need all the funds coming in for the Museum over the next few months to come in this week!! That's where we are. So please pray even at this time for some large gifts should this be the Lord's will at this time.

  5. AIG MINISTRY: As we focus on the Creation Museum, the finances, the opposition, effectiveness, and other needs, please don't forget to pray and support the rest of the AiG ministry: the website (millions of visitors a year); Curriculum Department (new curricula developed continually); Radio Department (daily radio program is growing--specials and dramas); DVD Department (WOW---you should see what is coming for teens; the Spanish videos completed; many more projects on the way); Outreach Department (more speakers than ever); Research (increasing research); Answers magazine (growing rapidly--around 50,000 subscribers already after three issues!); Graphic Arts (projects galore); Customer Service (taking orders over the phone--as busy as ever); Mail Department (praise the Lord for the mail that comes in every day); Warehouse (busy, busy, busy packing orders); Print Department (millions of sheets printed); Worldwide Ministry (numerous translations and other projects underway--growing more than we can even handle); Accounting (keep finances up to date and ensuring standards even higher than required)--and so much more.

    One of the challenges we have had as a ministry building this Museum, is that people have only so much they can give to organizations like AiG. Many have designated funds to the Museum, and that has thrilled us. At the same time, the general fund has been somewhat challenged! So we need to pray that the general fund will also receive the funds needed to carry out the phenomenal outreaches to the world with the message of the authority of the Word of God and the gospel.

Thank you for praying for us.

I have attached a photograph of Mike Zovath, VP in charge of the Museum project (there is no way this project could have happened without Mike--God has the right people at the right time). He is standing beside one of the winged bulls in the Babylon Room of the Museum.

Mike Zovath

Thanks for stopping by and thanks for praying


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