AiG website and books impact man for Christ

by Ken Ham on January 28, 2007

At a fund raising banquet at the Creation Museum on Saturday night, Derek Robillard gave a powerful testimony concerning how the Lord used AiG's website and books as a part of him being lead to faith in Christ. I have attached a photograph of Derek at the banquet and one of myself and Derek. I would encourage all of you to listen to Derek's touching and powerful testimony.


JL-Thurs-am-pix-1-25-07-051.jpgI have enclosed a photograph of some of the 70 pastors and their wives who attended a special luncheon at AiG this past Friday and took a tour of the Creation Museum. AiG runs these luncheons once a month--each pastor is also equipped with books and videos provided by one of our supporters.


On Friday AiG conducted a Job fair to begin finding the 50 or so people who will need to fill guest services and other positions at AiG when the Museum opens. Over 160 people attended the Job Fair!

Also, on Saturday night our fund raising banquet raised around $150,000 (including a $50,000 matching gift)--we praise the Lord!

Thanks for stopping by and thanks for praying,


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