My Journey to AiG

by Ken Ham on November 29, 2006

Guest blog — Dr. Georgia Purdom, AiG speaker and researcher.

One of the things I enjoy hearing most from others at AiG is how they came to work here, so I thought I would share my own story. Six years ago, during a private devotional time, the Lord laid on my heart that I needed to figure out what I believed and why I believed it concerning the issue of origins. He especially spoke to me through I Peter 3:15. I knew I didn’t have an answer when it came to this issue and it definitely pertained to the hope I had in Christ. I had been brought up in a Christian home and attended Christian college and I did believe the Bible but also knew what “science” was telling me.

After almost a year of searching, I finally figured it out! I attended a creation conference and although I was impressed with all the scientific talks, the one that made the biggest impression on me was a biblical talk on the meaning of the word yom in Genesis 1. The speaker laid out very clearly why yom in Genesis 1 means a literal 24 hour day. I remember going back to my room that afternoon and thinking if that information is correct then I have no choice — God said it, that settles it. I did some of my own research on the matter and knew there was only one choice if I truly trusted in the authority of the Bible. I was now a bona fide biblical creationist! I found the AiG and ICR websites and began reading, watching videos, and attending conferences. I even had a bookstore wish list on the AiG website and told people that’s what I wanted for Christmas!

In 2003, shortly after attending my first AiG conference, my husband and I started attending a new church, Perry Chapel Baptist Church near “Henpeck, Ohio” (as Ken likes to state!). I’m sure by now you have figured out whose home church this is. When I saw a vehicle in the parking lot with the Answers in Genesis logo on the side I got so excited! I realized this was Buddy Davis’ home church! Over the next year and a half, we talked off and on about the possibility of me doing some work for AiG since I was very interested in creation ministry. I always told the Lord concerning my interest in this area that if you open the doors, I’ll go through them. Well, a big door was about to open.

Buddy told me to contact AiG about visiting their headquarters and giving a “brown bag” talk (that’s a lunchtime talk where staff are invited to attend.) He said they were interested in the possibility of me writing articles for them, among other things. He even said they would like me to consider moving to Cincinnati (I thought he was joking!). I said, “no way” — we were really happy here with our church, friends, home, and were just about to adopt our daughter from China, so we weren’t moving. Never say never! Shortly after coming back from China, I contacted Mark Looy about a visit.

After the first visit, I was invited back to give a second talk and took my husband Chris with me this time. That afternoon Ken asked me if I would consider coming to work at AiG full time as a speaker, writer, and researcher. My jaw hit the floor as I didn’t even know such a position was open and wasn’t aware I was interviewing for it! This was my dream job and I knew God wanted me to walk through the door but I could only do it if Chris knew this was what God wanted too. When we got in our truck I turned to Chris and said, “What do you think?” He said, “Well, I don’t want to be like Jonah and have to swallowed by a big fish to know this is the right thing to do.” Chris has such a great sense of humor! We accepted shortly thereafter, and a year later we arrived. It has been a big adjustment, but after 6 months we are beginning to feel settled into our new lives. With all the exciting things happening here at AiG, I am so glad that God placed me here for such a time as this.

Thanks for praying for AiG!


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