God doesn't need talent

by Ken Ham on November 24, 2006

Guest blog - Mike Riddle, AiG speaker


I grew up as an athlete and a non-Christian. I competed in track and field and my only goal was to win. I worked out 3-5 hours every day. Not being a Christian at the time, my god was sports (track and field--that's me on a Marine poster). In college, I majored in mathematics because it was easy for me. However, other courses were not so easy. The one course I failed in college was speech. I was a strong introvert and was terrified to speak in front of anyone.

When I became a Christian at age 30 there was a dramatic change. I had a desire to teach the Bible and God provided the tools I needed. The fear of public speaking was gone. Within months of becoming a Christian I was teaching a Sunday school class and speaking on creation.

I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me. Philippians 4:13

Ken received the following feedback this week:

Thank you so much for your ministry! We use many of your materials in home educating our children, and ourselves for that matter! Just a funny story for you...

My 8 yr old daughter thought the teaching of genetics in regard to "race" most enlightening. So much so, whenever she is annoyed with anything, stubs her toe, messes up in anyway she says "poodle!" It is now to the place where many of the girls on her soccer team do the same if a goal is missed or what not. When asked why she says "poodle" she goes on to explain how the poodle is the most mutated, pathetic excuse of a dog. She has even used the opportunity to talk about how we are all one blood.

I just thought you'd enjoy hearing how one of your lectures impacted one little girl. There is no need for ugly words in her vocabulary, when she has the power of language on her side. Anything unworthy is simply "poodle". If a book is bad, it's "poodle". Just so you know, your site is as far from poodle as imaginable!

Thanks so much for all the work you do in and for the KINGDOM! You all are loved!

Thanks for praying!

God bless,


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