Many thanks...

by Ken Ham on November 22, 2006

Guest blog—Mike Riddle, AiG speaker.

As the United States settles in today for Thanksgiving, it would be good to stop and pause, even right now as you’re reading this, to thank the Lord for all he has done. I thought I’d share just a couple of things below . . .

Many Thanks for a Wonderful Thanksgiving

Lesley and I want to give our thanks to our hosts in Harrisonville, Missouri. On November 19–20, I spoke in the Harrisonville Mennonite Church. Much planning went into this event and Lesley and I were made to feel at home. Every meal was planned including an evening church Thanksgiving dinner. Thank you Laurie Waite (local event coordinator) for all the time you spent in making this a successful event (and for the cookies you baked) and to Pastor Randy Evers for making this Thanksgiving season a special time for Lesley and me.


Caleb (student), Lesley Riddle (managing the book tables with a broken wrist), Laurie (our wonderful host and local event coordinator), and Philip.

Other highlights


A mother and her daughter, Ashley (pictured), attended most of my creation lectures at the Harrisonville Mennonite Church. Ashley, who is 9 years old, recently won a regional science fair for her age group in Missouri by doing a project on limestone erosion rates. When I talked with Ashley, she demonstrated a firm knowledge of creation and science. Thanks, Ashley, and we look forward to hearing more of your accomplishments in the future.

After one lecture, a second year college student spoke with me and said that she entered a Christian college (College of the Ozarks) as a biology major. She said she had to change her major because this Christian college (specifically the science and Bible departments) did not teach the biblical creation account. As parents, we need to be careful when we send our children to Christian colleges. We should find out if these colleges really hold to the authority of God’s Word or to man’s wisdom.

God bless you on this day of thanksgiving!


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