$12.09 donation to Creation Museum

by Ken Ham on November 16, 2006

I have scanned in a letter a young child sent us with a donation for the Museum. Thanks, Nate—all the donations AiG has received over the years add up to big amounts that enable us to build this special outreach that will challenge people all over the world to believe God's Word and be saved!

If you would like to help AiG finish the Museum, then you can donate here.


As happens almost on a daily basis, evolutionists have to change their ideas about the past as they find new evidence. You will be interested in this news report that begins:

The image of Stone Age man as a heartless brute will have to be revised after the discovery of an ancient grave where babies had been carefully buried and ritually decorated.

You can read the entire story at the Telegraph site.


Dr. Monty White, CEO of AiG–UK sent this encouraging testimony this week

Ken, Paul Taylor (from AiG--UK office) was on Revelation TV on Monday evening; they had a phone-in and the first caller was a great encouragement to us as he had attended your meetings in Brighton a few years ago. The caller told the host and Paul that he had found the meetings to be a life-changing occasion despite the fact that he was already a Christian. He has three science degrees and was happy to believe in evolution until that night when he found himself bowing in humility before our God and acknowledging that God is the Creator - his life has been changed ever since. - this was wonderfully encouraging for us to hear and I am sure you will also find it encouraging. Thank God for this changed life!

This weekend I speak at two Worldview conferences—one in Ohio (at Cedarville University) and one in Illinois. Please pray for these meetings and for the AiG staff who will be traveling to the conferences by various means.

Thanks for stopping by and thanks for praying,


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