AiG on the BBC

by Ken Ham on November 14, 2006

If all goes ahead as organized, I will be on "Have your say" on BBC World Service radio Wednesday, 1:45--2pm Eastern Standard Time, USA. You should be able to find this at:

Apparently the regular host is absent, and the moderator will be Roz Atkins. We should expect some calls and emails from skeptics, I'm told, so it could get interesting.


On Monday night, not long after arriving home from Alabama, I received a phone call from the BBC in London wanting to do an interview with me about the Creation Museum.


On Tuesday, after staff meeting, Mike Zovath suddenly handed me his cell phone and said, "Here, do this interview from Dublin, Ireland." "What interview?" I said. He explained, "This is a radio station who talked to us yesterday to line up this interview, I didn’t know you were going to be here, so you do it!" I took the phone and found I was on live with a radio station in Dublin, Ireland, to talk about the Creation Museum. They then asked questions about dinosaurs, carbon dating, the age of the earth, and so on. It was a very interesting interview—the hosts seemed to be taken aback because I gave them authoritative answers!

All these interviews have been a result of the Guardian newspaper article I referenced in my last blog—even though this was a mocking article, it has certainly generated a lot of interest.

THE CREATION MUSEUM: “ONE OF THE WORLD’S WEIRDEST MUSEUMS”--GERMAN NEWSPAPER ARTICLE ABOUT CREATION MUSEUM An article, based on the mocking Guardian newspaper article appeared in Germany. It is very interesting (and sad) to see how this article distorts things even further. It is very interesting reading (the following are excerpts from the English translation on the newspaper website):

In the heart of America's Midwest, an Australian is building the world's first museum based on the idea that the creation of the world as told in the Book of Genisis is based on fact. There will be electric models of biblical figures, tableaux of the Garden of Eden -- and lots of dinosaurs. In a museum whose motto is "Prepare to Believe!" only the Neanderthals are nowhere to be seen. Dinosaurs will be making an appearance here, opening and closing their tooth-filled jaws. The museum will "counter evolutionary natural history museums that turn countless minds against Christ and Scripture," Answers in Genesis declares. The expansive steel and concrete construction, whose shell can be seen in numerous photos on the Web site, will become a "walk through history" next year. Not just any, but the true history, as presented in the bible's first book -- Genesis. It was Ken Ham, an Australian, who had the idea to present the biblical creation story as factually correct.
"Probably one of the world's weirdest museums"
The Creation Museum expects around 300,000 visitors a year and it will present the fundamentals of orthodox biblical creationism in what the Guardian describes as a "strangely Disneyfied" version:
- The earth and the universe are around 6,000 years old. They were created in seven days. All construction workers at the Creation Museum had to sign a contract saying this is what they believed.
- As the first book of the Old Testament describes, God created Adam from the earth and Eva from his rib. After the Fall he chased the couple out of paradise. Their son Cain committed the first murder in the history of humanity when he killed his brother Adam.
- When God became weary of the sins of man, he drowned them in the Flood. Only Noah and his family survived -- together with animals paired in the ark. It is only when it came to the dinosaurs that the creationists hit a snag. Too many bones of the prehistoric animals have been discovered. And children love these ancient monsters. It would be pointless to deny the existence of dinosaurs. But they don't appear in the bible. So the beasts Behemoth and Leviathan from the Book of Job are used as an unconvincing explanation for the dinosaurs. Have the authors of the holy book shown a way to make the dinosaurs fit into the narrow creationist world view?

Read the entire article, you will notice some interesting twists compared to the Guardian article.


We praise the Lord for the staff He has brought to Answers in Genesis—you will praise the Lord too as you read this :

We are so blessed by God's efforts through you. We recently were blessed to have Dr. David Menton deliver the gospel message to our seminary (Concordia, St. Louis). We needed his uncompromising message. I wanted to equip fellow students with your new book, "Evolution Exposed" but it had already sold out of the first printing, and the next printing was not available in time for the event. I asked one of your customer service representatives for "just one copy" to show the seminarians and those in attendance, but none were left to buy. However, what came in the mail just a few days later was an amazing testament to the work of God's Spirit in your staff, as Cydney Pie' sent us her personal display copy. This gift of love turned into over three cases of books ordered and counting! This selfless act seems to be just one more example of God working in you and your ministry. Thank you for your dedicated service to the good news of Jesus Christ in all things! May God continue to bless you to be a blessing to all people.

Thanks for stopping by and thanks for praying, Ken

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