A most inspirational morning at AiG

by Ken Ham on October 30, 2006

103006_1.gif Our region is blessed with one of the finest orchestras in the world—the Cincinnati Symphony Orchestra. When not performing in the 1800s architectural masterpiece Music Hall (it’s only about 20 minutes from AiG), the orchestra travels the world to perform (including, in recent years, various European countries and Japan).

Some of the orchestra members are good friends of AiG. One is the concertmaster, Tim Lees. The concertmaster, I am told, is something of an assistant to the conductor and is considered the “chief” among the musicians. For example, Tim helps maestro Paavo Jarvi select music, represents orchestra members in their dealings with management, and plays first violin. Tim, still a relatively young man for such a prestigious position, is a 1992 graduate of the well-known Eastman School of Music.

More importantly, Tim has a love for the Lord (and serves as a leader in his church, the Bible Chapel of Delhi Hills in Ohio, where some AiG staff attend).

103006_2.jpgTim dropped by AiG on Monday morning and toured the museum, and then played some wonderful hymns for us on his violin, while his wife Mary Ellen accompanied him on the keyboard. Many staff told us that it was one of the most inspirational staff meetings we have ever held. For me, it reminded me of my father. My father played the violin, and he also sang in church in duets and quartets. Tim played two hymns that I remember clearly as two of my father’s favorites. I could almost hear my father singing his part as Tim so beautifully played these famous hymns.

Listen to two particular pieces Tim played Monday morning to our staff and also Tim’s important introductions.

Also, to find out more about this great orchestra in AiG’s backyard, go to www.cincinnatisymphony.org/. In fact, when you come to the Creation Museum next year (to open, Lord willing, May 28), try to time your visit when the symphony is performing. Not only will you have a most enjoyable time, but you’ll see Tim in action as the concertmaster.

Mally and I (and other AiG staff members) attended the special memorial service for Dr. Charles Wagner. He was our pastor in Northern Kentucky for nine years before he retired a couple of years ago. We have many fond memories of this great expositional Bible teacher. He also was a great support for AiG. A number of us reminisced about the life of Dr. Wagner today. I thought I would share one such remembrance with you.

When we were having the rezoning battles of land for the Creation Museum a number of years ago, Dr. Wagner attended many of the public meetings and publicly supported AiG. At one of these meetings, a very liberal minister (who wore a large cross around his neck) spoke against us. At the end of this meeting, Dr. Wagner went up to him and said, “You ought to be ashamed of yourself—you should take the cross off.” This liberal minister never forgot this, and just about every time he was quoted in the newspaper concerning AiG and the Creation Museum, he said something like “one of their group told me to take my cross off.” This liberal minister will always remember Dr. Wagner! And we will always remember him too, especially for his in-depth Bible teaching and his uncompromising stand on the authority of the Word of God.

Well, thanks for stopping by and thanks for praying.


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