I spent today at Family Life Ministry (a division of Campus Crusade for Christ). I praise the Lord when we are able to work with other ministries to stand on the authority of the Word of God and proclaim the gospel.
I spoke to the staff at a special one-hour meeting (see photographs). There was a tremendous response. We are going to see many of these people and their family and friends visit the Creation Museum.
I was then recorded for some sound bites for a special radio program. During the afternoon, I was interviewed by the president (Dennis Rainey) and vice president (Bob Lepine) for five half-hour radio programs that will be broadcast in 2007. Two of the programs were on creation/evolution/Genesis and three of the programs were based on the book Genesis Of Legacy.
We look forward to a growing relationship between Family Life and AiG.
AiG staff member Roger Patterson is the author of AiG's Evolution Exposed book that is the start of a major outreach to public school students across America. For information on this project, go to: evolutionexposed.com. Roger was a teacher in the public schools and was involved in evaluating public school curricula. A former student of Roger Patterson sent this email to our office:
This e-mail is for Roger Patterson. I am a former student of his and I just wanted to let him know how excited I am about his new book.
It is really encouraging to see him stepping out in his faith. I have been inspired by Mr. Patterson and now I am going to college to be a high school science teacher myself. I hope to become an outspoken Christian teacher. Again, I just wanted to thank Mr. Patterson for his wonderful example.
Praise the Lord for the caliber of staff He has brought to AiG.
The Quebec Ministry of Education has told unlicensed Christian evangelical schools that they must teach Darwin's theory of evolution and sex education or close their doors after a school board in the Outaouais region complained the provincial curriculum was not being followed.
If you are interested in reading this story, go to: National Post---Evangelical schools ordered to teach Darwin
I will be back in Kentucky on Thursday, and then head off to speak in Florida and Minnesota at two Worldview Weekend conferences.
Thanks for stopping by and thanks for praying.
Answers in Genesis is an apologetics ministry, dedicated to helping Christians defend their faith and proclaim the good news of Jesus Christ.