Evolution in a Secular Paradise

by Ken Ham on October 12, 2006
Featured in Ken Ham Blog

We received a message from the Netherlands today:

Hello! I am an eighteen year old student from the Netherlands. Here in this "secular paradise" (as I call it) the only thing I hear is the evolution story. I thank God that I found your site! It equips me with almost all the information I need, to seperate science from fiction. Every few weeks my biology teacher mixes new evolutionary stories in with operational biology. Thanks to the biblical-scientific answers here I can respond to his just-so stories. I especially learned to see trough his stories on the "Origin on Life" topic. I thank dr. Georgia Purdom for writing understandable articles about that topic! I pray for God's blessing on your organisation!


The three photographs were taken at AiG today, fall colors starting to appear, the landscaping team winterizing various sections of the landscaping, etc.

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One of the emails we received today with feedback we asked for about Answers Magazine was very long, so I abbreviated it. Here are two:

Will you please try to make a bi-monthly magazine for kids ... I have seven grandchildren and I have to get them Ranger Rick and I want to support the truth and not evolution. Please Please Please x 10.

I just received my copy of Answers (actually 2 copies to my old & new mailing addresses). Since I have so many things to read each month, I rarely have time each day to fully digest something so extensive like Answers in a single sitting. So I thought it might be helpful feedback to give you progress reports. Tonight, I scanned every page from cover to cover, & was overall impressed, & agree with what I've heard Ken Ham say about it being even better than the 1st issue. Here are the things that made me stop as I was thumbing through it:

  • The egg ad on p.2--LOVE IT--though the egg itself looks more like a misshapen golfball--were dino eggs really that shiny, or was this an attempt to entice players on the course located on the north side of I-275?!
  • The "throne" photo on the bottom of p. 21. At 1st glance it looked like a casket at a funeral covered by a white sheet. At 2nd glance, it looked like someone sitting in a hotel bed awaiting room service. Then I decided to stop & read the caption.
  • I had read one of the feedback letters Ken Ham posted in his blog from someone disappointed about the Easter article on p. 40, so I stopped to read it. I felt it was an OK overview; however, I never knew anyone attempted to derive "Easter" from "Pesach", though that's apparently what the KJV translators did for Acts 12:4. I always thought it came from "Astar/Istar".
  • The centerfold was visually impressive. The "How Much Do You Know" questions caught my attention. The answers all seemed obvious except for the one about the tower. I had heard about this structure before, but needed to refresh my memory, so I downloaded the PDF for answers. I was very surprised that the answer for the 1st question completely omitted any reference to the possible interpretation of Jesus' partial fulfillment of the Feast of Trumpets, during which 2 silver trumpets were blown (Num 10:2, 10:10, 29:1), presumably 1 signifying each grand appearance on Earth (1 at His birth in His kinsman redeemer role; 1 at His future return as King of Kings for the Day of Vengeance). Nor was there any mention of His birth in relation to John's birth, which can be determined based on his father's service in the Temple (Luke 1:5 & 1Chr 24:1).
  • I slowed down while passing over "Who Begat Whom?" because I found the 5 refutations interesting. I will definitely study this in detail later ... The photo of the baby elephant on p. 74 is so adorable! I know an agnostic lady (a PhD archeologist) who will love it! I have to think of a creative way to inform her of it! The whole structure of this article is inviting, & I will study it in detail. Please include at least 1 adorable baby animal photo in each issue!

Congratulations to everyone who contributed to this fantastic publication! I very much look forward to absorbing & disseminating it over the next several weeks!

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Thanks for stopping by and thanks for praying.


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