AiG Video Conferences growing

by Ken Ham on September 29, 2006

At the Thursday morning staff meeting, Tom Miller, Director of Outreach (see photograph), shared a report on the phenomenal growth and success of the Video Conference ministry. This outreach is conducted by trained volunteers from all across the USA. Praise the Lord for the many AiG supporters who have volunteered their time (and finances) for this venture.

Tom Miller


On Thursday morning after staff meeting, most of the more than 200 AiG staff gathered in the Special Effects Theater to have our annual staff photograph taken. The staff involved in taking the photographs will be put in later—aren’t computers great?

2007 staff photo


I’m 16, and today I gave a talk to my Christian youth group about creation. I advertised it a lot, so I got a few evolution believing students. I explained what science really is, and how historical science is based on interpretation. They went away seriously questioning what they had been taught. As well as this, the Christians in the group were very grateful, it’s a real faith building topic. Thank you so much AIG for giving us the knowledge to spread God’s word with certainty, without any compromise.


Next week, I leave for Winnipeg to speak at a conference.

Thanks for stopping by and thanks for praying.


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