Dinosaurs, harmonicas, violins and more

by Ken Ham on September 25, 2006

For the final session at Warsaw (the home church of Buddy and Kay Davis), Buddy sang and played various instruments---and others joined with Buddy to play harmonicas and violin for "Amazing Grace." What a blessing this was. I then spoke on the relevance of Genesis to evangelism in today's world.

So many thanked us over and over again for the teaching and music programs.

amazing-grace dinosaurbuddy-1


This week is a special week to encourage our staff. The leadership are doing special things for our staff all week. Today, we serve them pizza. On Friday morning the leadership will serve the staff a hot breakfast. Staff will be given various gifts and other special services will be provided for them.

I praise the Lord for the over 200 staff who work so diligently and sacrificially at AiG. Morale is very high and the staff is excited to be a part of this ministry. No matter what position they are in, they are all an integral part of this evangelistic apologetics ministry that stands on the authority of God's Word and proclaims the gospel.

Thanks for stopping by and please pray extra-specially for our staff this week.


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