After AiG visit

by Ken Ham on September 24, 2006

Buddy Davis and I have been conducting an AiG program at Buddy and Kay’s home church in Ohio. This church is seemingly in the middle of nowhere! After traveling on narrow country roads, over a covered bridge, through wooded areas and fields one comes to this beautiful country church. Last night, 450 people also came from “nowhere” for the program.

Before I got up to speak, one man said to me, “After your last visit two years ago, I came to Christ, now I and my family have hardly missed a Sunday service. Thank you.”

As I say to people, that’s what it is all about—seeing people saved!

Another young couple came up to me and said, “We just want to thank you for standing so firm on the authority of God’s Word. This means a lot to us.”

Buddy gave a half hour concert, and then I spoke twice. A bus also turned up with a group of college students.

This morning (Sunday), I speak twice, and Buddy also sings.

I have included three photographs:

  1. The auditorium showing the people in attendance
  2. Mally, my sister Rosemary, my mother, and myself
  3. Buddy on stage with some of his dinosaurs

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Thanks for stopping by and thanks for praying.


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