by Ken Ham on September 19, 2006

“Cool” was the “in” word for this AiG supporter:

Here’s a quick note to share my reaction after visiting the Creation Museum as a volunteer for the first time (during the first week of September). The first thing I want to say is that I’ve been to Walt Disney World in Florida, & Disneyland in California, & I now know a new standard for the tag line, “Happiest Place On Earth”! The last time I visited Disneyland many years ago, I remember having the feeling, “This place is so empty.” Yet as I walked around the Creation Museum grounds & was privileged to receive a private tour, I remember thinking, “This place is so full of God, & so full of life, & so full of education!” What a contrast! And it’s still just in the construction phase! It was truly surreal to finally walk into the museum lobby & see firsthand what I’ve been seeing on TV & web pages for months! It’s real—not just a dream!

It was so cool to be able to see Dr. Lisle working on the computer in the planetarium—the only one of this magnitude to proclaim the glory of God! It was so cool to be able to attend one of the morning staff meetings led by Ken Ham (with special guest, Dan Breeding)! It was so cool to meet the security personnel, & know that the property would be well protected from criminal elements! It was so cool to meet so many staff people, all beaming with the joy of God in their hearts! It was so cool to work at a huge facility with a sign in the parking lot quoting Matthew 6:34! It was so cool to have a delicious meal in Noah’s Café, where visitors will think about starting their lives over as Noah’s family did after the flood! It was so cool to see so many of God’s creatures all over the place—from turtles in the lobby aquarium, to spiders along the Nature Trail bridges, to fossilized dinosaur bones—all telling the story of complex design! Oh how the people of AiG there at the Creation Museum have done a terrific job focusing the attention of the world on the one true God!

Thanks for making it possible for me to participate with you by doing my small part!


At the end of the pastor’s conference today, one pastor said,

Ken, what AiG does it give us courage to deal with the issues you speak about.

So many pastors are intimidated by scientists and don’t really have the “courage” to deal with evolution/millions of years etc. There’s no doubt, the more AiG disseminates information, the more pastors have the courage to take a stand on God’s Word in Genesis.

Another pastor said,

We are in the trenches in our churches, fighting spiritual battles. I just want to thank you at AiG for all the support you send from “home.”

I loved his battle analogy. And we do see ourselves as supplying the “troops” with ammunition. As I’ve often said, the books, DVDs, etc., are really “Christian Patriot missiles” to battle those who fight against God’s Word.

A youth pastor said,

Now I know why I’m not reaching our youth. Your messages (and challenge concerning creation evangelism) will revolutionize my ministry.

Mally and I drove home this afternoon—of course, we dropped into the office to see the progress on the Creation Museum. We get more excited every day.

Thanks for stopping by and thanks for praying,


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