Rock formed in a day!

by Ken Ham on September 18, 2006

Sculptor Carol Forsythe has been making rock each day on the Creation Walk of the Creation Museum. It doesn’t take millions of years to make rock! I have included two pictures of Carol and some of the rock she has been sculpting, getting the 7 C’s walk ready for the plants, animals, and the animatronic Adam that will be part of this exhibit. One of the photographs includes Travis—AiG’s youngest sculptor.

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Today I spoke three times at the Pastors’ Conference in Brownsburg, Indiana. On Tuesday, I speak twice then Mally and I will head on home. We have some very special visitors coming this week. My sister and brother-in-law are bringing my mother over for a couple of weeks. Mum wanted to see the Creation Museum while her health is good in case she can’t next year for the opening.

Next weekend, Buddy Davis and I will be at a program at Buddy’s church in Ohio. This church is in Amish country.

Thanks for stopping by and thanks for praying.

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