The Lie Changed My Life

by Ken Ham on September 17, 2006

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This morning, nearly 1,000 people attended one of the two church services, and the 800-seat auditorium was filled this evening for the beginning of the Brownsburg, Indiana, meetings. On Monday afternoon and Tuesday morning, I will be speaking to 300 pastors and their wives. Monday evening is open to the public.

I heard many testimonies tonight. All our speakers receive such testimonies when they are at meetings like this.

One lady asked me to autograph her copy of The Lie: Evolution (she said it was her third copy). She told me it “transformed her life.”

Many people told me they couldn’t wait for the Creation Museum to open. Teachers asked about booking Christian school groups in for a day at the museum.

One man told me that his kids were in public school, and he realized how important it was to make sure he worked hard with his kids to uphold the authority of the Word of God and give them answers to defend the Christian faith.

I appreciate so much those of you who pray for all the programs we are involved in.

Thanks for stopping by,


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