News from Sandy Cove, "Down Under" and the museum

by Ken Ham on August 6, 2006

Mally and I are at the Sandy Cove Ministries conference facility. It is their sixtieth anniversary year, so we were privileged to attend one of their celebration rallies tonight—great music and a challenging message. It is good to be able to sit back and take things in without the stress of having to speak—we appreciated a night off!

I spoke at the Sunday service this morning—lots of people from the surrounding area came in for this time. One dear lady (she was quite elderly) stayed behind to say to me, “I could have listened to you for another hour!” Another elderly gentleman (in his nineties) said, “I often nod off listening to a sermon, but I didn’t this morning.”

We are thankful for the Mellott family who are here to help us: they are now also Video Conference Coordinators.

Dr. Crandall called me with a brief report from Down Under. He will send a more detailed report when he has access to email. He told me there was a GREAT response in Sydney. He also had opportunity to give people a “walk” through the Creation Museum. He said old and young alike want to come to the USA and visit the Creation Museum as soon as it opens—there was even talk of possibly trying to charter a plane!

A retired judge told Dr. Crandall, “That’s the best presentation of the gospel I’ve ever heard.” That’s what AiG is all about—seeing people saved. Dr. Crandall, with his years of experience and travels around the world, has a unique and phenomenal understanding of how to reach different cultures with the gospel of Jesus Christ. Dr. Crandall prays he can help enthuse more people Down Under for world evangelism/missions! Please pray for the rest of his tour as he has more meetings in Sydney and then on to the Brisbane/Gold Coast area of the state of Queensland.

I have attached two photographs for you to see more happenings at the Creation Museum:


A photograph of the steel being installed in the portico area. When this is finished, glass will be installed. This will act as a new lobby to allow more people to attend the Creation Museum.


A photograph of the supports for the suspension bridge (as part of the Nature Trail exhibit) being put into place.

Thanks for praying and thanks for stopping by,


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