Mally family visits AiG

by Ken Ham on June 14, 2006

Yesterday while I was flying back from Wyoming, the Mally family (from Iowa) spoke, played their harps, and sang for the AiG staff. The Mallys even sang a song they composed that actually used the word thermodynamics in the lyrics (that’s got to be a first)! Carl Kerby of our staff had heard them at a homeschool meeting a few months ago and told them that if their travels ever brought them through our Cincinnati area, they should stop by. I’m sorry I missed them.


For more information about the Mally family (Harold and Rebekah, with daughters Sarah and Grace and son Stephen) and their music and teaching ministry (Harold also does creation talks), go to:

We had an uneventful trip home, and all the luggage came on the same flight! Of course, I stopped at the office and Creation Museum to see what changes had occurred while I have been away these past 10 days. The Creation Museum continues to “evolve” of course! It was great to see how things had advanced—the staff have been working so hard. You can keep up to date with the museum construction by linking to the museum blog.

Tomorrow morning, I have a meeting with our leadership team, then Mally and I are taking my brother David, his wife, and son up to visit Buddy and Kay Davis. This is also a great opportunity for Buddy and me to discuss some joint book projects we are currently involved in and to see the latest dinosaur sculptures Buddy has been working on.

Thanks for praying and thanks for stopping by.


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