Back from the Grand Canyon

by Ken Ham on June 5, 2006

This evening (Sunday), I arrived back in Las Vegas from a two-day rafting trip down part of the Grand Canyon with a group of AiG supporters. I have lots of stories to tell, but that will have to wait for some future blogs. It’s late, and I have to get up at 4:00 a.m. to catch a flight to Los Angeles. Mally is joining me, and we are meeting my brother David, his wife Thelly, and son Shane for a few days vacation in California, then Wyoming, and then back to Kentucky.

It was great to actually see the layers of the Grand Canyon close up, see where the supposed millions of years are missing, and see contorted layers that had to be bent when they were soft, so they couldn’t have hardened over millions of years. All this makes the account of the flood come alive! What a great trip it was!

Thanks for stopping by and thanks for praying.


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