Cornerstone Bible Institute choir visits AiG

by Ken Ham on May 23, 2006

This week (Monday), AiG had the privilege of enjoying a half-hour program for all staff in the Special Effects Theatre by a singing group from Cornerstone Bible Institute, which is located in South Dakota. Two of the students in the group are sons of a missionary friend (Dave Rozelle) whom I met in Scotland many years ago. Dave organized a number of meetings for me to speak at in Scotland over the years. Dave is now located in Florida, but when he heard the singing group with his two sons would be in the Cincinnati area, he asked if we would like them to sing for the AiG staff. It was a wonderful half hour of praise. See photographs.


The email below is from someone who says he’s an atheist impressed with the AiG website, but he has not been swayed! At least he’s reading AiG material:

While I am an ardent atheist who has not been swayed by any argument I have heard before, I am impressed with your site. It is nice to see some creationists giving a reasoned, rational approach to the dispute, and you guys have obviously done some research. Kudos! PS I still don’t believe you.

Well, our son mowed our lawn today. Now I’m in trouble—mowing is therapeutic for me, and it is when I mentally “write” articles for our newsletter! The dentist helped me overcome the effects of the curse today by restoring a troubled tooth. Use going to the dentist as a teaching tool—it reminds you of the effects of sin!

On Wednesday morning, Mike Zovath and I are traveling to Michigan for the funeral of the mother of one of our board members (Dan Manthei). Please pray for the Manthei family during this time.

Thanks for stopping by,


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