"Relics" from the past

by Ken Ham on April 30, 2006

Before the last world war, about 40–50% of the population in England attended church. Today, estimates suggest the percentage attending church is down to 7.5%.

When I first went to England, I saw churches everywhere, but sadly, many turned into shops, antique stores, mosques, etc. I have attached photographs of two buildings in England that I took while there last week.

  1. A building that was once a chapel (see sign at the top of the building) but now has been turned into a nightclub (see new sign). Sadly, this typifies what has happened to the church in England.
  2. The other two photographs are of an old schoolhouse dating back to 1614 (it is no longer used but preserved in the town of Market Harborough). There are Bible verses all around the building. See the close-up photograph showing the verse from Psalm 127:1: “Except the Lord build the house, they labour in vain that build it.” School buildings today would never allow Bible verses to adorn them, and just like the US public schools, government schools in England are more and more deleting the Bible/prayer, etc.

These photographs are a reminder that something dreadful has happened to the culture in England. The Christian structure that once permeated the culture has fallen, and this is a reminder to the US that what happened to England is happening to the US, and for the same reasons: the church compromised the Word of God with millions of years and evolutionary ideas, thus undermining the authority of the Word of God.

We need to pray for England (in addition to praying for our own culture here in the US).

Thanks for stopping by,


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