Christian radio in Babylon

by Ken Ham on April 19, 2006

Guest Blog: Dr. David Crandall, director, Answers in Genesis Worldwide blogging from the IBN Conference in Charlotte, NC.

The conference began yesterday and AiG's display is getting a lot of attention! (See the pictures from yesterday---notice the full size T-rex head when you walk in the doors is pretty eye-catching!) Many people are asking when the museum will open---our museum team would be thrilled by the intense interest that this project is generating.

Interestingly, within the first few hours of the conference, we made contact with some of the folks that are involved in the first Christian radio station in Baghdad, Iraq. We received a phone call from Amman, Jordan, confirming that Ken Ham's radio program (Answers … with Ken Ham) will be broadcast all across Baghdad with its six million people.

We have now put together an Arabic translation team that will be hired to translate the broadcasts. AiG's radio voice should be heard throughout ancient Babylon within 30 days! We are thrilled to be on the first Christian radio station in the history of this ancient and biblical site.

At this conference, we have made many new friends for AiG and strengthened our friendship and partnership with many churches and Christian organizations.

A pastor from Trinidad invited Carl Kerby to bring the AiG message to his Caribbean country. God is doing some awesome things around the world through AiG.

IBN has already invited us to their conference next year in Brussels, Belgium. We praise God that AiG is having a worldwide impact and that the message of biblical authority is being proclaimed throughout the global community.


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