Creation answers in Baghdad?

by Ken Ham on April 12, 2006

Dr. David Crandall, Director of AiG Worldwide, sent me this very intriguing report today:


I am in contact with a group of Lebanese businessmen that are about to start the first Christian Radio Station in Bagdad, Iraq---it will reach 6 million people in that war-torn country. I offered to talk with them about getting your radio program on that Baghdad Station. I will keep you posted. Have your blog folks pray.


During our Behind the Scenes event last Friday, a man told us that a military friend of his, while stationed in Iraq, had been using the Answers Academy curriculum to reach out to military personnel. When he left, the chaplain took over (after having been enthused for the creation message through the Answers Academy series) and wanted bulk copies of the student books sent so the participants could work through the series thoroughly.


A participant in the Demolishing Strongholds conference sent this response this week:

Dear Ken and AiG Staff, Thank you so much for all the time and effort you gave up to make Demolishing Strongholds an equipping, encouraging and enjoyable time. Although the speakers and their messages were not new, as expected, they still taught with unwavering firmness. God surely used them to touch many lives, including my own. Your unwavering stand to not compromise the Word of God and to use the Word for teaching, rebuking, correcting, and training in righteousness (2 Tim 3:16-17), especially in the case of speaking to an audience of young people, is so encouraging.

Each speaker had a specific topic, yet they share a common passion: to share Christ with whomever they may. The picture was (and still is) very vivid: each speaker was (is) like a soldier fully clad for battle, being called upon to tell new or unequipped soldiers what needs to be done and how to do it; especially how to have ready and to use the Sword. Thank you; thank you for living boldly for Christ. Your zealousness is an encouragement to those who are fighting and a pointed call to those who should be waging war with their fellow soldiers in Christ. May God bless this ministry and protect it, causing it always to be true and faithful to Him alone.

As well as many meetings, today I did two radio interviews concerning the supposed fish/tetrapod transitional form that made headline news recently. On Thursday, Dr. David Crandall, Director of AiG Worldwide outreach will be giving a report about his recent trip to Israel. I will have the audio of his report on Friday’s blog.

Thanks for stopping by,


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