The “Widow’s Mite”

by Ken Ham on April 3, 2006

At the AiG conference in New Hampshire, someone handed in a letter for me that I opened tonight. As I opened it, three $1 bills fell out. The letter said:

Please accept my modest donation as I am elderly and have a modest income. Today I am again praising the Lord for your gift of knowledge to us here at Merrimack Valley Baptist Church. We are so blessed!! At first I told myself I am too old to learn this information, but after hearing you, I am set on fire to boldly preach the gospel in a new way. God bless you for your energy, effort, and love of Jesus to bring His Word to the world. You are much appreciated. I will pray for your ministry.

What an example for all of us!

Today I spoke to around 2,000 children and young people , and tonight there was another overflow crowd in New Hampshire.

University Prof Gets It Wrong

The McGill University (Montreal, Canada) student newspaper had an article about the creation/evolution issue and a lecture given by Professor Brian Alters---but Brian Alters is reported as stating something that will make many of you smile.

The paper stated:

Dr. Brian Alters is the Director of the Evolution Education Research Centre, a joint venture between McGill and Harvard University. He testified in Pennsylvania as an expert witness on behalf of the families at the Dover trial.


To show us what he’s up against, Alters introduced a creation museum in Kentucky run by Answers in Genesis, a Christian group.

He read aloud the museum’s mission statement: “This museum will be a wonderful alternative to the evolutionary natural history museums that Satan is using to influence so many minds.”

Laughter roared through the Leacock auditorium, just as Alters had expected.


Alters pointed out that the museum draws 30,000 schoolchildren every year. Creationists have met with far more success than the other camp in popularizing their side of the debate.

(Comment: Dear Dr. Alters, the MUSEUM IS NOT OPEN YET! And we don’t believe we’ll draw 30,000 schoolchildren every year—we believe it will be MANY more than that!)

You can read the whole article at The McGill Daily.

Tuesday morning, I get up early to fly to Albany, New York, and then drive to Word of Life, where I will teach the Bible college students over two days.

Thanks for stopping by and thanks for praying,

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