Overflow crowds in New Hampshire

by Ken Ham on April 2, 2006

This morning and evening there were overflow crowds at Merrimack Valley Baptist Church in New Hampshire. The main auditorium, chapel, and classrooms were used for all the people who turned up. A special tent was used for children’s programs run by a children’s evangelist (tonight they learned about dinosaurs).


We started the day with breakfast in the hotel and met a couple who work as medical researchers. They had brought a group of teenagers up from Massachusetts for the day’s sessions. One of the researchers was working on his PhD. They told me that they challenge their coworkers for evidence of Darwinian evolution, but they never come up with anything. They said that evolution has nothing whatsoever to do with their research. They had been using AiG videos with the young people in their church, and they wanted them to experience a live seminar.


A man tonight told me a number of years ago he was struggling to reconcile evolution and the Bible. He said someone at church led a Bible study using my book The Lie, and he said it was “like water in a desert.” He was so thankful for the difference the book made in his life.


A man told me he was an atheist before someone started witnessing to him. He said that AiG books were part of what was used by the Lord to bring him to salvation.


A group of men told me that they have the unique opportunity of being invited into a number of public schools, where they use creation materials to critique evolution.

Many others tonight told me they are using AiG videos in churches, schools, their workplace and so on. I am finding more and more that the resources are being used by an increasing number of people; this all contributes to the grassroots change we see slowly happening across the culture.


Volunteers Jan and Bob Thompson, who are involved in our Video Conference Ministry, sent me this email tonight.

Thank you for all you do to share the truth of the Word of God, from Genesis, ANSWERS IN GENESIS!

We are blessed to be moving on in the Video Conference Ministry. This past week we spoke with over 40 applicants and confirmed attendance for training with 35. We’re so excited to work with these folks and share with them what God has been teaching us over the past year and a half as we have coordinated seven Video Conferences from Minnesota, to Arkansas, to California! It’s been a blessing to watch people to respond to the messages on DVD and then to buy the resources that you all make available to them.

Thanks for your prayers,


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