Was Cain's wife a Neanderthal?

by Ken Ham on March 26, 2006

Now that does sound like a strange question—and I must admit, I’ve never heard Neanderthals mentioned before in regard to Cain’s wife—however, Dr. Terry Mortenson did hear this when speaking at a Christian university in Canada. You will be very interested in this report below (and the Neanderthal comment)—and please pray for Terry as he speaks at this university where it appears most of the professors believe in millions of years, etc.

On Wednesday morning Wally took me to the university for a 7:00 am breakfast meeting with students. Only six students showed up, but they all stayed for two hours. I had a presentation for about 20 minutes and then the rest of the time was Q&A. I had a lot of PowerPoint slides prepared for the anticipated questions and ended up using most of them. Hopefully these students will encourage other students to come to chapel and my two evening lectures on campus both on Monday.

Today (Thursday) I spoke in a class of 20 students. The professor is a philosopher who got his MDiv. at Trinity Evangelical Divinity School, just like I did, though 10 years earlier. So that made for a nice connection between us. The 35-minute lecture and 20-minute Q&A time went very well and the professor was genuinely appreciative. In his thank-you email he asked for some of my PowerPoint slides and I also sent him a link to my web article on philosophical naturalism and the age of the earth, which he emailed later to thank me for.

One student came up to me after class and told me of his experience of taking a course at the seminary connected to this university on the Pentateuch (Gen.-Deut.) taught by a leading conservative American Old Testament scholar (who I have talked to in the past at ETS). He said the professor was so vague and non-committal when teaching Genesis 1–11. When asked where Cain got his wife, the OT professor had said something about Neanderthals living nearby but wasn’t really sure about that. How sad, but as I told this student, such confused, ignorant and compromised thinking is so widespread in our seminaries and Bible colleges. The student told me, “After hearing you, I feel like that course was a total waste of time and money.” He also said that he was going to bring his wife with him to my Monday night lectures.

Keep praying that God will open hearts and minds and that he would draw students and professors to my lectures on Monday. From what some of the students have said to me, most of the professors at this Christian university are badly compromised with millions of years and even evolution.


The lobby is well on its way to being completed in just a few weeks.

Thanks for stopping by,


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