Creation evangelism down under

by Ken Ham on March 26, 2006

My brother Stephen has been actively using AiG materials (and particularly the AiG witnessing booklets) as a witnessing tool---and people are being saved.

He has been running a series of small groups in his local church that give strong apologetic answers to friends and other interested people in relation to the Bible and the gospel message. Stephen told me about one man in his last group that has really opened his eyes to God working in an incredible way.

After an invitation to come, the non-Christian husband of a lady in Stephen's church decided to come to his group. They answered questions such as: "Is the Bible relevant?", "Who does God say He is?", "How does the Bible answer questions about origins?", "Why is there death and suffering?", "What is so important about Jesus to Christians?" and "Why do Christians go to church?" The non-Christian husband gave his life to Christ and Stephen tells it this way:

A terminally ill man gave his life to the Lord last week. He is absolutely thrilled with his new life in Christ and I believe is ready now to go to heaven. The session on creation was a significant factor and believe it or not, the biggest factor in that session for him was because I was able to answer his questions on DNA. How cool is that? A couple of nights ago, he got his children to come to his house and made a formal announcement to them that he has accepted Jesus as his Saviour. His kids were really emotional to hear this news. I later asked him: What is the biggest issue for you in relation to your acceptance of Christ? He answered: I am not terminal anymore. WOW. Within five weeks, with no hope in a cancerous body, this man has now everlasting hope in Jesus Christ.

Only one week later, this man had a major health setback which would have made it very difficult for him to understand the very questions he was asking the week before. Stephen, Trish and their friends Terry and Julie (helping them run the course) could only be amazed at God's glory and perfect timing in this situation. Stephen also told me that others in the group have also made steps to Jesus and are amazed at the truth and answers that can be easily understood in Scripture and confirmed with evidence present."


Yesterday (Saturday) I concluded my sessions at the Indiana Home Educators Convention. I had SO MANY people tell me they were using AiG DVDs, booklets and other resources to teach people in their local church, reach neighbors and friends, and, of course, teach their own families.

Last night, I spoke at a special dessert we had for some of AiG's local supporters in Indianapolis. Around 70 were present for this special time. Most told me before they left they were using AiG materials to reach people with the gospel. One man told me he brought a non-Christian to an AiG golf outing (over a year ago) that was a fundraiser for the Museum. At such events I do give a 30-minute talk on creation, evolution, Genesis, etc. The non-Christian didn't say anything at the time, but just recently thanked this man for taking him to the outing and said he was now thinking about the things he heard. His heart has been softened and the AiG supporter believes he is open to the things of the Lord.

At the end of the home school convention, a lot of young people came up to thank me. One young lady (14 years old) came up and said, "Mr. Ham, you inspire me." I get such a thrill out of seeing young people fired up for the Lord as a result of the Lord using what we do at AiG. There is a generation like this being raised up across this nation that I believe will have a great effect in years to come.

There is a grassroots change occurring in the USA, and from what we've seen and heard, we believe the biblical creation movement has had a significant effect on the culture---and this effect will continue and increase.

Well, we're home again---it was a long but rewarding day.

Thanks for stopping by and thanks for praying!


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