Thousands at Indiana homeschool conference

by Ken Ham on March 24, 2006

Thousands of people turned out today for the annual Indiana Association of Home Schools conference. I have two keynote addresses (I gave the first one this morning) and four workshops (I gave two on Friday). When I mentioned the AiG Creation Museum in my keynote this morning, the audience broke into spontaneous applause. There is no doubt that the Creation Museum is going to be one of the most popular places in Northern Kentucky when it opens. Many, many people gave testimony as to how the AiG ministry has positively influenced their family.

Because we’ve had a number of seminars, major conferences, and church meetings in and around Indianapolis, AiG has had quite an impact on a significant number of the attendees at this conference. Many young homeschoolers have been brought up on AiG material, and they lined up today to have photographs taken, get autographs, and share how much the ministry means to them. It was an exciting day.


I have attached the “photo of the week”—the AiG Creation Museum bookstore. The floor is installed and has now been sanded and is ready for sealing and staining—more has to be done, of course, but it is thrilling to see the progress.


Mike and Lesley Riddle (Mike is one of AiG’s popular speakers) sent this interesting personal note recently concerning their visit with Buddy and Kay Davis (Buddy, of course, is a singer and dinosaur sculptor):

Mike and I had the privilege of going to Buddy and Kay Davis’ house last week on our way to Sugar Creek, OH, for a conference. They fed us lunch and showed us around their place. It really feels like a slice of heaven there. I have attached a picture of Mike and Buddy in front of a moose named Darrel (one of Buddy’s creations), and the other picture speaks for itself. Buddy did not know I was taking this picture, so the Bible was not placed there for the picture but is just the way Buddy works—always going to the Word of God in everything he does. Thanks Buddy and Kay.

Lesley Riddle

Thanks for stopping by. Please pray for the keynote and workshops at the Home School conference Saturday. On Saturday evening, Mally and I host a supporters dessert (I think around 70 are coming) at a hotel in Indianapolis—then we will drive home.


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